October 6, 2008

Sample the Genius!

While on the topic of 59PC, i think everyone should sample some of the genius ideas that Mr. Nair came up with. I will take credit for egging him on and irritating him till the edge only to see him come up with some kick-a$$ stuff!! Here are the invites and posters prepared over the past few years by Mr. Nair.

During one of our 8pm conversations we decided to throw a beer and biryani party for the people. Of course, once he came up with this, it turned out to be so much more! Cheers man!

The infamous "Bar-Mitzvah Blowout"! Infamous mainly because both hosts were out of commission before most guests left. Of course the party continued! Still a very very cool invite and an even better poster that people signed at the party.

This was a Good Luck Bodo Party we decided to throw with the hope that all the 8pm we showered upon the boy did not go to waste! :) It didn't, not only did he pass his exams but he outdid us, the rat Ba$tard. Well Done Bodo! You did us proud.

I can't recall if we sent this out out but i found it in the archive. Created from scratch so i think it is quite awesome! 8pm was a nice touch! :) Damn, bodo u lucky kid... we have thrown you a lot of parties!

This was actually the first of the invites. Very cool was what came to mind the first time i opened this! This is what it all began with! :)

This came out of the blue a few days before the Bar-Mitzvah. "A commemorative Poster" is what Mr. Nair called it. It shows off our "obsession" for Jack. Thanks for introducing him to me man! I owe ya.

Well, i guess that's the lot. You can check out full size invites/posters at http://picasaweb.google.com/neomenon/SampleTheGenius#


Unknown said...

Awesome artwork :)
Takes me back to MICA when we used to do things like this when we were jobless.Or not. Parties always did take preference.

Cheers Mate!

Shyam said...

I'm a little embaressed now; you've really credited me with far more than I deserved. Those parties would have never taken place if not for your initiative and your letting out your place, and also scoring the booze through our various army sources (my dad included). These are the things that deserve actual credit. i was just the jobless drunk designing the poster... :)

Neha said...

This is great stuff. Your friend is quite the creative genie. BTW why the F*** haven't we attended any of these get togethers when we have been in Delhi???

Madzy said...

Awesome stuff guys! I am really proud of you..I love all the fancy invitess...
Arjun i'm sure Shyam has passed on his creativity skills to you..WE shall make some more of these invites. We have loadsa occasions to look forward to in November

PS - Shyam...we miss you at all the partiessss!