September 26, 2008

Life since the iphone launch!

It has been a while since i posted. Coupla reasons for it which include laziness, boredom and well for the longest time I was just busy....

Well as you might know, the Iphone launched amongst a lot of buzz and boo's in india in august. Boo's because of mostly the price. I was totally against buying the iphone right out of the gates mainly coz we dont even have 3G in india. Iphone 3G is known for its lightning fast internet speeds. We are at 2.5G with 3G slated to get released sometime next year. Maybe then it will be a viable option especially because apple is well know for downing the prices every year and i suspect the same shall go down mid next year!

When the iphone was announced in india, there was a major buzz that every tushar, deepak and hrithik will have the iphone within a month of its launch. But frankly, i don't see it that much. Its mostly the rich brats (i dont know too many of them) or businessmen who seem to have gone in for the iphone. Heck, they have even stopped advertising the iphone on TV. Unlike the US where the iphone took the market by storm with people lining up like crazy to buy themselves a phone, here the launch was a quite sad and sales also i am guessing have been nothing to write home about.

I am quite happy though about one thing. In case you didn't know this already, I am a proud owner of an Ipod Touch (now 1st gen). One thing i hated abt the ipod touch was the fact that since i stayed in a country where the itunes store was not open, i dint have access to the games or apps as they are called. I have a wireless router at home so i can access the internet on my ipod but couldnt download some nifty apps which make it so much cooler. But now, i can download apps from the app store. By that i mean i aint paying, i am downloading the good free apps and games. I am hoping that soon we shall also have the itunes store open in india. It will give indian artists the chance to make some money. Sure the number of ipods in this country is miniscule but we are getting there. Also piracy is rampant, who knows it may actually help in curbing it to a certain level.

So life for ipod touch users has changed, but otherwise tushar, deepak and hrithik are still listening to music on their walkman phones!! :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, the list of BOOs for the iPhone dont stop here. Like you I was also waiting to see how it pans out but get this, the iPhone is just not India friendly. And I am not talking abt 3g.

1. You cant forward messages.
2. No Cut/Copy & Paste.
3. Bluetooth transfers are curtailed.
4. No video recording :(
5. cant use as external storage.
6. No price subsidies and the rentals also pretty high.

The list goes on but these come to mind at the moment.